
Cosmopolite Scene
Sunday 11. September 2022
The doors open at 19:00
Concert starts at 20:00
Ticket price
320/270,- + avg.
Age limit
18 years with valid ID
Spotify playlist


Tomasz Kukurba – viola, flute, vocal
Jerzy Bawoł – accordion
Tomasz Lato – double bass

This year Kroke celebrates 30 years as a trio. Originally, Kroke is known to play Klezmermusic – jewish instrumental folk music. Kroke means Cracow in Yiddish, the Polish city where the three bandmembers studied music at the same academy.

At this concert the band is presenting material from their new album “Loud Silence”, as well as the evergreen songs. Kroke are known for having musical roots in central European and eastern European musical traditions. To refresh and renew their sound Kroke has sought outside Europe’s borders with this release. By sampling inspiration from different forms of ethnic music, they are creating a sound that flows across genres, form and time. Kroke as a phenomenon has been embraced by both the audience but also artists across the world.

Kroke has performed several times at Cosmopolite with an audience that keeps wanting more. The band keeps the Jewish klezmer music tradition alive, performing in their unique style. The trio started out their musical career playing in jazzclubs in Kazimerz, the Jewish quarter in Cracow. Steven Spielberg found their music whilst shooting “Schindlers list” and that was their breakthrough.

Peter Gabriel and David Lynch are great admirers of Kroke. The band has played with artists such as Nigel Kennedy, Tomasz Stańko, the Spanish violinist Diego Galaz and the Norwegian folk musicians in Tindra. Kroke has perfomed at big venues and festivals all over the world and have found a loyal and dedicated audience in Germany, Spain and in the Nordics.  

This concert is supported by the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Oslo
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